Keiron Lally Jets off…
Former Colchester Junior Champion Keiron Lally has qualified as first Officer for Ryan Air, flying Boeing 737’s! The former Policeman is based in Italy but hopes to jet back & play the occasional game for Tollgate TTC!
Former Colchester Junior Champion Keiron Lally has qualified as first Officer for Ryan Air, flying Boeing 737’s! The former Policeman is based in Italy but hopes to jet back & play the occasional game for Tollgate TTC!
A new Table Tennis Club has been formed at the brand new Holmwood House School Sports Hall, Colchester. The Tollgate club has successfully applied for two teams to enter Division One, replacing Rayne & St Mary’s, who have both dropped out. The new venture was only formed officially last Friday, 23rd July with John Welham appointed Chairman & Martyn Green, Secretary. The facility promises much with provision for four tables to start with but features over 500 square meters of playing area in total, half of which will be used for the coming season, sharing with the badminton club.
The Rayne Club have withdrawn from Division One. Rayne Secretary Ian Whiteside cited poor player availability as most of their squad play in the Braintree League, amongst others.
Whiteside will be playing for Pegasus in Division Two for the forthcoming season.
The proposal for individual player registration was passed at the recent ETTA AGM.
Existing player licenses will expire at the end of July and ALL local league players need to register for the coming season. This can be done directly with the ETTA either on-line or over the phone at a cost of £5.64 for senior players & £2.82 for juniors. Registration forms have been sent to Club Secretaries and for this coming season the Colchester League would prefer EVERYBODY to register & pay through them who will administer directly to the ETTA in order to keep a record. Players who play in more than one League only have to register with one but must advise other Leagues of their individual registration number.
Any player failing to register will be ineligible to play in the Colchester League in the coming 2010/11 season!
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The St Mary’s Table Tennis club based in West Bergholt has folded. The club, run by Secretary Marlene Smith had featured in the Colchester League for the past 10 years with the A team winning promotion from Division Four in it’s first season, rising up the league to it’s highest position of fourth in Division One in 2010. The club ran three teams and the league committee expressed it’s thanks to Marlene for her sterling efforts with the village club.